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Journal Articles


  1. S. Li, J. C. -H. Peng*, and R. Yazami, Out-of-equilibrium Thermodynamics Analysis of Lithium-ion Batteries upon Non-linear Voltammetry Fast Charging, Journal of Power Sources, vol. 624, Dec. 2024. [Li-Ion Battery] [Electrochemistry] 

  2. J. Hou, H. Deng, and J. C. -H. Peng*, A Butterfly Effect: Attack-induced Heterogeneous Equilibrium Points of High-voltage DC Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 5992-6004, Nov. 2024. [Cyber Attack] [Grid Stability]

  3. J. Zhang, J. C. -H. Peng*, and G. Hug, Wireless AMI Planning for Guaranteed Observability of Medium Voltage Distribution Grid, Applied Energy, vol. 370, Sep. 2024. [Frequency Response] [Renewable]

  4. C. Lin, B. Hu, C. Shao, K. Xie, and bf J. C. -H. Peng, Computation Offloading for Cloud-Edge Collaborative Virtual Power Plant Frequency Regulation Service, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 5232-5244, Sep. 2024. [Frequency Response] [Renewable]  

  5. G. R. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, Sleeping Behaviors are determined by Lockdown and not Work-from-home Arrangements, Scientific Reports, vol. 14, Sep. 2024. [Behaviour Analysis] [Smart Meter] 

  6. G. P. Raman, Y. Yang, and J. C. -H. Peng*, The social factors shaping community microgrid operation, Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 6451, Jul. 2024. [Behaviour Analysis] [Microgrid] 

  7. X. Lin, J. C. -H. Peng, Q. Li, D. Cheng, J. Yu, and H. Wen, Power Coupling and Stability Analysis of GFM due to Rotational Frames and Control Loops Interaction, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 157, Jun. 2024. [Inverter-based Resources] [Renewable] 

  8. Z. Ding, Y. Li, K. Zhang, and bf J. C. -H. Peng, Two-Stage Dynamic Aggregation Involving Flexible Resource Composition and Coordination Based on Submodular Optimization, Applied Energy, vol. 360, Apr. 2024. [Frequency Response] [Renewable] 

  9. X. Lin, H. Wen, J. Yu, J. Zhang and J. C. -H. Peng, Role Determination of Impedance Coupling in GCC with DC-Link Virtual Inertia Control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 2533-2544, Mar. 2024. [Inverter-based Resources] [Renewable] 

  10. G. P. Raman, K. Liao, and J. C. -H. Peng, Improving AC Microgrid Stability Under Cyberattacks Through Timescale Separation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 2191-2195, Jun. 2023. [Cyber Attack] [Microgrid] 

  11. Y. Yang, J. C. -H. Peng, and Z. Ye, Distributionally Robust Frequency Dynamic Constrained Unit Commitment Considering Uncertain Demand-side Resources, Applied Energy, vol. 331, Feb. 2023. [Frequency Response] 

  12. G. R. Raman, B. Zhao, J. C. -H. Peng, and M. Weidlich, “Adaptive Incentive-based Demand Response with Distributed Non-Compliance Assessment," Applied Energy, vol. 326, no. 119998, Nov. 2022. [Grid Analysis] [Behaviour Analysis] 

  13. Y. Yang, J. C. -H. Peng, C. Ye, and Z. Ye, "Optimal Reserve Allocation With Simulation-Driven Frequency Dynamic Constraint: A Distributionally Robust Approach," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 4483 - 4487, Nov. 2022. [Frequency Response] 

  14. Y. Yang, G. P. Raman, J. C. -H. Peng, and Z. Ye, "Resilient Consensus-based AC Optimal Power Flow against Data Integrity Attacks Using PLC," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 69, no.11, pp. 4483-4487, Nov. 2022. [Renewable] [Cyber Attack]     â€‹     

  15. J. Zhang, B. She, J. C. -H. Peng, and F. Li, A Distributed Consensus-Based Optimal Energy Management Approach in DC Microgrids, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 140, Sep. 2022. [Cyber Attack] [Microgrid] 

  16. G. P. Raman, G. R. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, “Coupled Power Generators Require Stability Buffers in Addition to Inertia," Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 13714, Aug. 2022. [Inverter-based Resources] [Renewable]

  17. A. Gorbunov, J. C. -H. Peng, J. Bialek, and P. Vorobev, "Identification of Stability Regions in Inverter-Based Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 2613-2623, Jul. 2022. [Microgrid] [Renewable]     

  18. G. R. Raman, G. P. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, “Resilience of Urban Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure to Flooding,” Nature Communications, vol. 13, no. 3213, Jun. 2022. [Electric Vehicle] [Behaviour Analysis] 

  19. A. Gorbunov, J. C. -H. Peng, J. Bialek, and P. Vorobev, "Can Center-of-Inertia Model be Identified from Ambient Frequency Measurements," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 2459-2462, May 2022. [Inverter-based Resources] [Renewable]

  20. J. C. -H. Peng, G. Raman, J. Soon, and N. Hatziargyriou, "Droop-Controlled Inverters as Educational Control Design Project," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 1623-1633, Mar. 2022. [Education][Microgrid] 

  21. G. P. Raman, C. O'Rourke, J. Lu, J. C. -H. Peng, and J. L. Kirtley, "Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Dynamic Control-Parameter Selection in Power Systems," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 11236-11247, Jan. 2022. [Renewable] [Inverter-based Resources] 
  22. Y. Yang, J. C. -H. Peng, C. Ye, Z. Ye, and Y. Ding, "A Criterion and Stochastic Unit Commitment towards Frequency Resilience of Power Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 640-652, Jan. 2022. [Frequency Response] 

  23. Y. Yang, J. C. -H. Peng, and Z. Ye, "A Market Clearing Mechanism Considering Primary Frequency Response Rate," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 5952-5955, Nov. 2021. [Frequency Response]

  24. G. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Filter Deballasting Control of Droop-controlled Inverters," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 13107-13117, Nov. 2021. [Renewable] [Inverter-based Resources] 

  25. J. Soon, G. Raman, J. C. -H. Peng, and D. D. C. Lu, "Current Ripple Reduction Using AC Core Biasing in DC-DC Converters," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68 no. 10, pp. 10058-10067, Sep. 2021. [Inverter-based Resources[Photovoltaic]

  26. G. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Electricity consumption of Singaporean households reveals proactive community response to COVID-19 progression," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 118, no. 34, pp. e2026596118, Aug. 2021. [Behaviour Analysis] [Smart Meter] 

  27. J. Zhang, S. Sahoo, J. C. -H. Peng, and F. Blaabjerg, "Mitigating Concurrent False Data Injection Attacks in Cooperative DC Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 9637-9647, Aug. 2021. [Cyber Attack] [Microgrid]

  28. Z. Qiu, J. C. -H. Peng, H. Yang, and D. Srinivasan, "Modeling and Analysis of Inner controls Effects on Damping and Synchronizing Torque Components in VSG-controlled Converter," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 488-499, Jul. 2021. [Renewable] [Inverter-based Resources]

  29. S. Sahoo, and J. C. -H. Peng, "A Localized Event Driven Resilient Mechanism for Cooperative Microgrid Against Data Integrity Attacks," IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 3687-3698, May 2021. [Microgrid] [Cyber Attack]

  30. M. Waniek, G. Raman, B. AlShebli, J. C. -H. Peng, and T. Rahwan, "Traffic Networks are Vulnerable to Disinformation Attacks," Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 5329, Mar. 2021. [Cyber Attack]      

  31. S. Maharjan, A. Khambadkone, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Robust Constrained Model Predictive Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 400-411, Jan. 2021. [Photovoltaic] [Inverter-based Resources]

  32. A. Gorbunov, J. C. -H. Peng, and P. Vorobrev, "Identification of Critical Clusters in Inverter-Based Microgrids,” Electrical Power Systems Research, vol. 189, Dec. 2020. [Microgrid] [Renewable] 

  33. J. Soon, D. D. C. Lu, J. C. -H. Peng, and W. Xiao, “Reconfigurable Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter with Fault-Tolerant Capability,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.35, no.9, pp. 8934-8943, Sep. 2020. [Photovoltaic] 

  34. H. M .Khalid, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Bidirectional Charging in V2G Systems: An In-Cell Variation Analysis of Vehicle Batteries," IEEE Systems Journal, vol.14, no. 3, pp. 3665-3675, Sep. 2020. [Electric Vehicle]

  35. G. Raman, B. AlShebli, M. Waniek, T. Rahwan, and J. C. -H. Peng, "How weaponizing disinformation can bring down a city’s power grid," PLOS ONE, vol. 15, no. 8, Aug. 2020. [Cyber Attack] [Electric Vehicle]

  36. S. Sahoo, J. C. -H. Peng, D. Annavaram, S. Mishra, and T. Dragicevic, "On Detection of False Data in Cooperative DC Microgrids-A Discordant Element Approach," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 6562-6571, Aug. 2020.​ [Microgrid] [Cyber Attack]

  37. G. Raman, J. C. -H. Peng, and H. Zeineldin, “Optimal Damping Recovery Scheme for Droop-controlled Inverter-based Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.11, no. 4, pp. 2805-2815, Jul. 2020. [Microgrid][Renewable]​

  38. S. Sahoo, J. C. -H. Peng, S. Mishra, and T. Dragicevic, "Distributed Screening of Hijacking Attacks in DC Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 7574-7582, Jul. 2020. [Microgrid] [Cyber Attack]

  39. S. Maharjan, A. Khambadkone, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Enhanced Z-bus Method for Analytical Computation of Voltage Sensitivities in Distribution Networks," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 14, no. 16, pp. 3187–3197, Jun. 2020. [Photovoltaic] [Inverter-based Resources]

  40. H. M .Khalid, S. Muyeen, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Cyber-attacks in a Looped Energy-Water Nexus: An Inoculated Sub-observer-Based Approach," IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 2054-2065, Jun. 2020. [Cyber Attack]  

  41. G. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Mitigating Stability Issues due to Line Dynamics in Droop-Controlled multi-Inverter Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 2082-2092, May 2020. [Inverter-based Resources[Renewable] 

  42. K. Ali, S. Dube, P. Das, J. C. -H. Peng, and D. Rogers, "Improvement of ZVS Range and Current Quality of the Nine-Switch Single-Stage AC-DC Converter," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 5, no. 35, pp. 4658-4668, May 2020. [Microgrid] [Photovoltaic]

  43. G. Raman, J. C. -H. Peng, and T. Rahwan, "Manipulating Residents' Behavior to Attack the Urban Power Distribution System," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 5575-5587, Oct. 2019. [Cyber Attack]

  44. S. Sahoo, S. Mishra, J. C. -H. Peng, and T. Dragicevic, "A Stealth Cyber Attack Detection Strategy for DC Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 8162-8174, Aug. 2019. [Microgrid] [Cyber Attack]

  45. C. L. Chang, and J. C. -H. Peng, "A Decision-Making Auction Algorithm for Demand Response in Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 4, pp.3553 - 3562, Jul. 2018. [Microgrid]

  46. G. Raman, Y. Kong, J. C. -H. Peng, and Z. Ye, "Demand Baseline Estimation using Similarity-based technique for Tropical and Wet Climates," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 12, no. 13, pp. 3296-3304, May 2018. [Grid Analysis]

  47. A. Adedayo, H. Zeineldin, M. El Moursi, J. C. -H. Peng, and M. Al Hosani, “Domain of Stability Characterization for Hybrid Microgrids Considering Different Power Sharing Conditions,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 312-323, Mar. 2018. [Microgrid]

  48. H. M. Khalid, and J. C. -H. Peng, “Immunity towards Data-Injection Attacks Using Multi-Sensor Track Fusion-Based Model Prediction,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 697-707, Mar. 2017. [Synchrophasor] [Cyber Attack]

  49. S. Maharjan, J. C. -H. Peng, J. Elizondo Martinez, W. Xiao, P. H. Huang, and J. L. Kirtley, “Improved Sample Value Adjustment for Synchrophasor Estimation at Off-Nominal Power System Conditions," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 33-44, Feb. 2017. [Synhcrophasor]

  50. H. R. Chamorro, C. A. Ordonez, J. C. -H. Peng, and M. Ghandhari, “Non-Synchronous Generation Impact on Power System Coherency,” IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 2443-2453, Jul. 2016. [Renewable]

  51. H. M. Khalid, and J. C. -H. Peng, “A Bayesian Algorithm to Enhance the Resilience of WAMS Applications Against Cyber Attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 2026-2037, Jul. 2016.[Synchrophasor] [Cyber Attack]

  52. H. M. Khalid, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Tracking Electromechanical Oscillations: An Enhanced Maximum-Likelihood Based Approach," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1799-1808, May 2016. [Synchrophasor]   

  53. P. H. Huang, W. Xiao, J. C. -H. Peng, and J. L. Kirtley, “Comprehensive Parameterization of Solar Cell: Improved Accuracy with Simulation Efficiency,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1549-1560, Mar. 2016. [Photovoltaic]

  54. H. M. Khalid, Q. Ahmed, J. C. -H. Peng, and G. Rizzoni, “Current-Split Estimation in Li-Ion Battery Pack: An Enhanced Weighted Recursive Filter Method,” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 402-412, Dec. 2015. [Electric Vehicle]

  55. H. M. Khalid, Q. Ahmed, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Health Monitoring of Li-Ion Battery Systems: A Median Expectation-based Diagnosis Approach (MEDA),” IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 94-105, Jun. 2015. [Electric Vehicle]

  56. H. M. Khalid, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Improved Recursive Electromechanical Oscillations Monitoring Scheme: A Novel Distributed Approach," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 680-688, Mar. 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  57. H. M. Khalid, J. C. -H. Peng, and M. Mahmoud, "An Enhanced Distributed Estimation Based on Prior Information," IET Signal Processing, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 60-72, Feb. 2015. [Grid Analysis]

  58. J. C. -H. Peng, N. -K. C. Nair, and R. Sherry, "Transmission Tomorrow: Development of Synchrophasor Applications in the New Zealand Grid," Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 407-416, Jun. 2012. [Synchrophasor]

  59. J. C. -H. Peng, and N. -K. C. Nair, "Enhancing Kalman Filter for Tracking Ringdown Electromechanical Oscillations," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 1042-1050, May 2012. [Synchrophasor]

  60. J. C. -H. Peng, and N. -K. C. Nair, "Adaptive Sampling Scheme for Monitoring Oscillations using Prony Analysis," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 1052-1060, Dec. 2009. [Synchrophasor]  


Invited Talks/Seminars​
  1. J. C. -H. Peng, "Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems," APRU Multi-Hazards Summer Lecture Series: Creating a Resilient Society Against Multiple Hazards, Tohoku University, Japan, August 2021. [Behaviour Analysis] 

  2. J. C. -H. Peng, "Weaponizing Disinformation to Attack Critical Infrastructure," IEEE Young Professional Affinity Group, Denmark, March 2021. [Consumer Behaviour] 

  3. J. C. -H. Peng, "Global Renewable Power Generation Scenario and Challenges in Microgrids,National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India, September 2020. [Microgrid]

  4. G. P. Raman, G. R. Raman, J. C. -H. Peng, "Design of Future Distribution Systems,"  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, October 2018. [Microgrid]

  5. J. C. -H. Peng, “Facilitating Reliable Future Energy Trading for United Arab Emirates,” National University of Singapore, Singapore, November 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  6. J. C. -H. Peng, “Enhancing Situational Awareness in Electrical Power Infrastructures,” Center for Automotive Research, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, August 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  7. “Applications using Phasor Measurement Units,” ABB Middle East User Group Meeting, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), May 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  8. J. C. -H. Peng, ”Moving Forward: Integration of Wide-Area Monitoring Systems,” ABB Corporate Research Center, Vasteras, Sweden, March 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  9. J. C. -H. Peng, “Interconnecting our World: Monitoring Inter-Area Oscillations in GCC Interconnection,” KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, March 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  10. J. C. -H. Peng, “Smarter Grid: Enhancing Power System Security,” Ventyx, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 2014. [Synchrophasor]

  11. J. C. -H. Peng, “Renewable Integration: Challenges and Projections,” Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Conference, Dubai, UAE, November 2013. [Synchrophasor]

  12. J. C. -H. Peng, “Monitoring System Dynamics in the Middle Eastern Power Grids,” Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, July 2013. [Synchrophasor]

  13. J. C. -H. Peng, “Transmission Tomorrow: New Zealand Synchrophasor Development,” University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, May 2012. [Synchrophasor]


Conference Articles​​
  1. J. Zhang, G. Raman, G. Raman, J. C. -H. Peng, and W. Xiao, "A Resilient Scheme for Mitigating False Data Injection Attacks in Distributed DC Microgrids," IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2021.  [Cyber Attack] [Microgrid]

  2. H. Li, W. Xiao, S. Li, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Enhanced Modulation Technique for Power Quality Improvement of LED Drivers," IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2021. [Power Electronics]

  3. Q. Zhang, G. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, "EV Charging Optimization based on Day-ahead Pricing Incorporating Consumer Behavior," IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2020. [Electric Vehicle] [Behaviour Analysis]   

  4. G. Raman, X. Cao, A. Li, J. Lu, G. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, "cGANs-based Real-time Stability Region Determination for Inverter-based Systems," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2020. [Inverter-based Resources]

  5. J. Zhang, J. C. -H. Peng, and Y. J. Siu, "A Novel Design of Concurrent Cyber Attacks in Cooperative DC Microgrids," IEEE Power and Energy Society Transmission & Distribution Exposition, 2020. [Microgrid] [Cyber Attack]

  6. K. Ali, G. Raman, J. C. -H. Peng, and W. Xiao, "A GaN-based High Step-Up Half-Bridge Resonant Converter for Interfacing PV modules to DC Data Centers," IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference, 2019. [Microgrid] [Photovoltaic]

  7. G. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, "On the Effect of Line Dynamics in Multi-inverter Systems with Generalized Droop Control," IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2019. [Inverter-based Resources[Renewable]

  8. G. Raman, B. Zhao, J. C. -H. Peng, and M. Weidlich, "Dynamic Decision Making for Demand Response through Adaptive Event Stream Monitoring," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2019. [Grid Analysis] 

  9. R. Rana, S. Sahoo, S. Mishra, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Performance Validation of Cooperative Secondary Controllers in Autonomous AC Microgrids Under Communication Delays," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2019. [Microgrid]

  10. S. Sahoo, J. C. -H. Peng, S. Mishra, T. Dragicevic, "A Local Voting Protocol Based Cooperative DC Community Microgrids," IEEE 3rd International Conference on DC Microgrids, 2019. [Microgrid] 

  11. G. Raman, H. X. Chiang, K. Ali, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Impact of Supervisory Control Inputs in Multi-Inverter Distribution Systems," 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2018. [Microgrid]

  12. G. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, "A Hybrid Customer Baseline Load Estimator for Small and Medium Enterprises," 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2018. [Grid Analysis] 

  13. S. Maharjan, A. M. Khambadkone, J. C. -H. Peng, "Integration of Centralized and Local Voltage Control Scheme in Distribution Network to Reduce the Operation of Mechanically Switched Devices," IEEE PowerTech Conference, 2018. [Microgrid] [Photovoltaic]

  14. G. Raman, and J. C. -H. Peng, "Residential Microgrids for Increasing Community Acceptance of Smart Grid Services," IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Conference and Exposition, 2018. [Microgrid]

  15. H. R. Chamorro, C. A. Ordonez, J. C. -H. Peng, F. Gonzalez-Longatt, V. K. Sood, and A. M. Sharaf, "Impact of Non-Synchronous Generation on Transmission Oscillations Paths," IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference, 2018. [Grid Analysis]

  16. H. M. Khalid, Q. Ahmed, J. C. -H. Peng, and G. Rizzoni, "Pack-Level Current-Split Estimation for Health Monitoring in Li-Ion Batteries," American Control Conference (ACC), 2016. [Electric Vehicle]

  17. C. A. Ordonez, H. R. Chamorro, J. Quintero, R. Leelaruji, J. C. -H. Peng, and L. Nordström, "Prony-based On-line Oscillation Detection with Real PMU Information," IEEE Colombian Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2016. [Synchrophasor]

  18. S. Maharjan, J. C. -H. Peng, and J. Elizondo Martinez, “Improved Off-Nominal Operation of Phasor Measurement Units using Discrete Fourier Transformation,” IEEE Power and Energy Conference, 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  19. H. R. Chamorro, C. A. Ordonez, J. C. -H. Peng, and M. Ghandhari, "On-line Oscillations Monitoring Under High Penetration of Non-Synchronous Generation," IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, 2016. [Synchrophasor] 

  20. A. Alamin, H. M. Khalid, and J. C. –H. Peng, “Power System State Estimation Based on Iterative Extended Kalman Filtering and Bad Data Detection using Normalized Residual Test,” IEEE Power and Energy Conference, 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  21. J. C. –H. Peng, A. Al-Hinai, A. Al-Busaidi, H. Al-Riyami, A. Al-Nadabi, O. H. Abdalla, R. Fronius, and P. Miksa,   “A Review of Reactive Compensation in the Main Interconnected Systems of Oman,” IEEE 8th GCC Conference and Exhibition, 2015. [Grid Analysis]

  22. A. Alamin, and J. C. –H. Peng, “A Detailed Tuning Evaluation of Sensitivity Threshold using LNRT for Bad Data Detection in State Estimation,” IEEE 8th GCC Conference and Exhibition, 2015. [Synchrophasor]

  23. M. L. Klimontowicz, A. Al-Hinai, and J. C. –H. Peng, “Decentralized Sliding Mode Control for Load Frequency Problem in Three-Area Power Systems,” IEEE 8th GCC Conference and Exhibition, 2015. [Grid Analysis]

  24. S. Maharjan, J. C. -H. Peng, W. Xiao, "Improved Deterministic Real-time Estimation of Maximum Power Point in Photovoltaic Power Systems," IEEE 8th GCC Conference and Exhibition, 2015. [Photovoltaic] 

  25. J. C. –H. Peng, and J. L. Kirtley, "An Improved Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for Monitoring Electromechanical Oscillations," IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Conference, 2014. [Synchrophasor] 

  26. J. C. –H. Peng, A. Al-Hinai, H. Al-Riyami, and M. Al-Ismaili, “Investigating the Impact of Inter-Area Oscillations in Oman Transmission Grid,” GCC CIGRE Conference, 2013. [Synchrophasor]

  27. J. C. -H. Peng, A. Meads, N. K. C. Nair, "Exploring Parallel Processing for Wide Area Measurement Data Applications," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2011. [Synchrophasor]

  28. N. K. C. Nair, J. C. -H. Peng, R. Sherry, "Synchrophasors and Supporting Infrastructure in New Zealand Transmission Grid," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2011. [Synchrophasor] 

  29. Q. Ao, J. C. –H. Peng, and N. K. C. Nair, “Assessing Sampling for Prony Analysis and Kalman Filtering in Monitoring Electromechanical Oscillations,” Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2011. [Synchrophasor] 

  30. J. C. –H. Peng, and N. K. C. Nair, "Phasor Measurement Network and its Applications in the New Zealand Grid: Overview and Experiences,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2011. [Synchrophasor] 

  31. J. C. -H. Peng, N. K. C. Nair, A. L. Maryani and A. Ahmad, "Adaptive Power System Stabilizer Tuning Technique for Damping Inter-Area Oscillations," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010. [Synchrophasor] 

  32. J. C. –H. Peng, A. Meads, and N. K. C. Nair, “Parallel Computing for Smart Power Oscillation Monitoring using Synchrophasor Measurements,” IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2010. [Synchrophasor] 

  33. W. Feng, J. C. -H. Peng, and N. K. C. Nair, "Incorporating Instrument Transformer Measurement Errors to Voltage Stability Assessment," Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2010. [Grid Analysis]

  34. J. C. -H. Peng, N. K. C. Nair, J. Zhang, and A. K. Swain, "Detection of Lightly Damped Inter-area Power Oscillations using Extended Complex Kalman Filter," IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2009. [Synchrophasor] 

  35. J. C. –H. Peng, and N. K. C. Nair, "Effects of Load Characteristics on the Damping Performance of Power System Stabilizers for Inter-Area Oscillations," Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2009. [Synchrophasor]

  36. J. C. –H. Peng, and N. K. C. Nair, "Comparative Assessment of Kalman Filter and Prony Methods for Power System Oscillation Monitoring," IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2009. [Synchrophasor]

  37. J. C. -H. Peng, and N. K. C. Nair, "Effects of Sampling in Monitoring Power System Oscillations using on-line Prony Analysis," Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008. [Synchrophasor] 

  38. G. A. Covic, J. T. Boys, A. M. W. Tam, and J. C. –H. Peng, "Self Tuning Pick-ups for Inductive Power Transfer," IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2008. [Synchrophasor]


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