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Supplementary Data

This data file pertains to our paper "How weaponizing disinformation can bring down a city's power grid" [1].


The file presents the power distribution network data for Greater London. This network is divided into a set of 9 subnetworks, each represented by a spanning tree, with loads connected to the edges. A full description of how this data is obtained is presented in [1].

The Greater London power distribution network comprising of 9 subnetworks, each fed by one substation. The substation locations are marked by red dots.

Data File


Within the Excel file 'GreaterLondon_Power_Network.xlsx' are the data regarding the subnetwork trees, in sheets labelled as 'Greater London x', x varying from 0 to 8.


Within each of these sheets:

  • The first row contains in order:

    1. The number of nodes () in the tree,

    2. ID of the node closest to the coordinates of the substation, which is the root node. Node IDs are unique only within a single sheet, i.e., each sheet has IDs between 0 and (-1).

  • Each subsequent line contains information about a single edge, coded as 5 integers:

    1. ID of one end of the edge (between 0 and (n -1)),  

    2. ID of the other end of the edge (between 0 and (-1)),

    3. The number of buildings connected to the edge,

    4. Type of the edge (with 0 corresponding to the widest, i.e., motorway, and 7 corresponding to the thinnest, i.e., service). Type 8 is assigned to roads with different classes/ without classes in OpenStreetMap.

    5. Length of the edge in meters.




[1] Gururaghav Raman, Bedoor AlShebli, Marcin Waniek, Talal Rahwan, and Jimmy Chih-Hsien Peng, "How weaponizing disinformation can bring down a city's power grid", PLOS ONE, vol. 15, no. 8, 2020. Available at


Cite this dataset as:


Gururaghav Raman, Bedoor AlShebli, Marcin Waniek, Talal Rahwan, and Jimmy Chih-Hsien Peng, "How weaponizing disinformation can bring down a city's power grid: Supplementary Data", 2019.


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